Our devices are born from scientific research and clinical experience in veterinary electroporation techniques.
Years of clinical experience
in Veterinary ECT.
Years of Scientific
Research in ECT.
Publications from
our scientific team.
Oncologists specialized in Vet Ect
trained with our courses.
OnkoDisruptor® electroporators: maximum quality for maximum results.
OnkoDisruptor® is a company specialized in the production of electroporators for medical use. We are leaders because our products are the result of tens of years of oncological scientific research and clinical experience in veterinary electrochemotherapy. With our devices we have trained numerous professionals who have perfected their technique in electroporation therapies and we always support researchers to obtain the best results in clinical care. For this reason, Onkodisruptor® electroporators are purchased from many veterinary clinics and universities specializing in veterinary electrochemotherapy (ECT) around the world.

The OnkoDisruptor® electroporators for Veterinary Electrochemotherapy generates a train of 8 biphasic pulses that have been stabilized by a dedicated software program. Such pulses have an interpulse of 10 microseconds and have a 50+50 microseconds duration. The instrument voltage goes from 300 up to 1500 volts and is regulated by the operator. An acoustic signal is generated each time the apparatus successfully discharges the train of pulses and there is a safety switch that triggers an autodischarge program if the impulses are not delivered within 30 seconds.

Onkodisruptor® is extremely “user-friendly”. The availability of the technical service and assistance, makes the use of Onkodisruptor® a winning experience.
I had an amazing training experience with Dr. Spugnini, which gave me hands-on experience with the use of ECT in patients.
I have spent a few weeks training with Enrico and it was some of the best training I have received as a veterinarian.
I recently attended Enrico Spugnini’s electrochemotherapy training, treating tumours with his invention, the OnkoDisruptor. It was a very informative, intense and enjoyable session over a period of four days. The eye-opening experience gave me a completely different viewpoint on treating localised cancers. I can only predict that the OnkoDisruptor will be very frequently used in our practice.
My husband and I recently attended four days of electrochemotherapy training in Rome with oncologist, Enrico Spugnini. My husband, who deals with most of the oncology cases in our practice, had heard of Enrico’s work in electrochemotherapy and of the OnkoDisruptor, a device developed by Enrico. We had a fascinating four days observing the treatment of a number of interesting oncology cases in different veterinary clinics in Rome. Enrico is an excellent teacher, clearly explaining his method of treatment and demonstrating the use of the OnkoDisruptor. Enrico treated us like family friends, taking us to local restaurants for lunch each day and sharing his vast knowledge of Roman history on the trips between clinics. Enrico has promised us continued support in the treatment of our oncology cases which is much appreciated. We can highly recommend the training offered by Enrico Spugnini and his team.